Don't Let Fear Paralyze You When Dealing With the IRS

You see the commercials on TV all the time - Why take on the IRS by yourself? Reduce your IRS debt. The IRS is looking for non-filers. Are you being audited?

Marketers have long used fear to sell their goods and services. Certainly the IRS brings the fear factor for most people. But marketing also relies on the fact that you as a consumer don't know the whole story, so fear carries the day.

So let's go beyond the fear and discuss several key items that you as a consumer and taxpayer should know before you hire someone to take on the IRS. This makes your IRS experience easier to handle and gives you the coping skills to handle the situation.

And understand this key item - no matter where you are in the process, you have options and the ability to get back in front of the situation. Use the IRS' own rules to your advantage.

You have to know where you are in the IRS queue to make an informed decision. Dealing with the IRS is like the proverbial box of chocolates - no two cases are the same because each case is at a different stage, with a different person and a different case load. Identifying the status and the IRS contact person are extremely important.Establishing communication with the IRS can ease your "IRS experience". Once you identify the contact person it's very important to establish and continue a dialogue with the IRS. Buying goodwill via your actions and communications is critical.You need to find a sympathetic ear at the IRS. You'd be surprised how nice and understanding most IRS employees are when you engage them in dialogue. Yes, there are IRS personal who are difficult and obstinate. But there are ways to move beyond that person and to get to a more sympathetic ear - someone who understands that life happens.Formulate a plan and stick with the basics of that plan. Communicate that plan to the IRS and hold to it - let them in on any changes. Look - all the IRS wants to do is to move your case off their docket. Show them a plan and they'll move on the next case on their docket that's more difficult. Showing the IRS consistent progress is important - it can buy you more goodwill than you can imagine.Presentation is a key. Nice, pretty, and organized is more important that the actual substance of what you send in - form over substance. Make it easy on the IRS examiner - the easier you make his job the less time he will spend looking into the details of your case.

San Antonio attorney Martin Cantu invites you to visit his website,, for more information on how to obtain the legal help you need. Martin also contributes real estate articles to [] and other websites.

(c) Copyright Martin Cantu - All rights reserved.

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