The Sixteenth Amendment Can Not Possibly Be You or Your Labor

The Sixteenth Amendment can NOT possibly be you

It is that time again and everyone would like to know if the Sixteenth Amendment makes ordinary income liable for taxation. There are only Two (2) things you really need to know about the Sixteenth Amendment. First is that it is easier to understand than you'd think because the Sixteenth Amendment is only one paragraph of just 30 words, in the same English we speak today. It was adopted in 1913 which was probably in your grandfather's time and you understood him, right? You didn't need anyone to come behind him to explain what he just said to you. The other important and second fact is that the Sixteenth Amendment is the ONLY place where the IRS gets its authority. In other words, All IRS authority is found right here and nowhere else.

Does the IRS Code Book supersede the Sixteenth Amendment?

Yes it does: if you believe them, but how could it? How valuable would our Constitution be if some government agency could melt it into obscurity by simply writing some "Code book?" A code is just a code and this analogy will easily prove this. Back in my Marine Corps days we had to iron our shirts with three creases down the back. If we didn't we would've been Court Martialed because of the UCMJ which is the Uniform CODE of Military Justice. The Base Commander spots a civilian one day working on the base without the triple pleated shirt and has him arrested. The MP's were brutal and intimidating constantly pointing to the code requiring the proper ironing of the triple pleats. The civilian reads that code and is so intimidated that he pays the fine and does the time, 2 weeks in the brig.

Of course that never happened nor could it happen. Civilians are not subject to the Military Code. Therefore the question is simply, "Are you Subject to the "IRS Code?" It's a simple Yes or No question but to know for certain maybe we should carefully read it. After all, it was written for us and meant to be read by us, right?

Sixteenth Amendment wording

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

See what we mean? One short paragraph comprising of four phrases of 30 easily understood English words giving the IRS all of the authority it has, which means if it isn't here, they don't have it.

the Sixteenth Amendment phrase by phrase

The first phrase claims that Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes. Well, of course they can because this first phrase clearly gives them authority over "incomes," and not people. This is an extremely crucial point because some IRS agents run their mouths like Communists shouting that everyone needs to pay their Fair Share but, the Sixteenth Amendment does not tax Fair Share, it only taxes Incomes. I am not splitting hairs; I am reading the specific English words which all have specific and limited meanings. Only business entities can Derive Income by subtracting Expenses from Revenue. Human beings cannot do this. We receive Income, we do not Derive it. My last article, "The Sixteenth Amendment or the IRS Code Book?" exhaustively examined this

We now agree the Sixteenth Amendment only taxes Incomes?

But isn't this taxing of incomes exactly what the IRS claims and shouts at us constantly? Yes it is, but they do stop quoting the Sixteenth Amendment right there don't they? And that is the deception. They repeat the Sixteenth Amendment like it was just that one sentence of just those twelve (12) words AND, if were true, they would only need those twelve (12) words. But then It would also be in terrible conflict of not only our Constitution, but everything we thought the Constitution stood for. It would literally mean that the IRS had the authority to take whatever they wanted to and as much as they wanted from you.

FROM Whatever Source DERIVED

This is the second adjectival phrase and it modifies the first phrase protecting all citizens from the IRS. Again, Congress can only tax Incomes, and not people, AND this second adjectival phrase can only tax Incomes DERIVED from whatever Source. Now you understand why the IRS never mentions this second adjectival phrase when it deceptively misquotes the Sixteenth Amendment.

Shouldn't we also get a little annoyed of this backward deceptive wording? Remember, this is your grandparent's time and they didn't say, "To the carriage, my horse hitch." The verb DERIVED at the end of the phrase is obviously meant to deceive us. They knew that if they correctly wrote Congress had the power to collect taxes on incomes derived from any source, everyone would instantly know that we didn't receive paychecks Derived From a source, wouldn't you?

Saying Congress shall have the Power to Lay and Collect taxes on Incomes Derived from whatever source has the exact same literal meaning but now, we'd quickly understand these words to be a phrasal adjective limiting the Income subject to their tax to ONLY when it's been Derived from a Source, any Source.

The Sixteenth Amendment is Constitutionally correct but Deceptive

In other words, it's legalese written correctly to keep the Supreme Court from knocking it down like they did in 1894 when the government first attempted to get their hands on our labor. Your Non-derived paycheck is your labor and your labor is your Non-derived paycheck. The IRS claims they aren't taxing us; they're taxing our labor. Like our labor and us are two entirely different entities?

without apportionment among the several States

This third phrase is Nonsensical at best because it implies that they had some choice to apportion the tax on everyone's paycheck amongst the states if they so wanted laughingly mixing Apples and Orange Roughy? Since the tax is on incomes, what could that possibly have to do with the states? AND if they're removing the Direct Tax Apportionment requirement from the several States, what could that possibly have to do with incomes, Derived or Not?

It is blatantly deceptive that government can tax incomes, derived from a source, without apportionment amongst the states because there is no way to tax incomes derived from a source with apportionment amongst the several states. This added and obviously meaningless unnecessary phrase could only have the single purpose of further confusion and deception.

and without regard to any census or enumeration.

This fourth and final phrase really drives home the corrupt and deceptive attempt to steal our labor. I know it doesn't seem possible that a government would take everything it could from its own citizens just to further their own agendas, causes and bridges to nowhere but really, is anything more ridiculous and obvious than this final phrase?

It is now in-your-face blatantly deceptive that the government could possibly tax incomes derived from a source with regard to any census or enumeration. How in the world could any government tax Incomes Derived or Not, with regard to the census or enumeration? And since there is no way that they could, or that some census has anything to do with incomes Derived or not, what ethical explanation could they possibly have for even including this phrase?

( enumeration definition 1. To count off or name one by one; list: 2. To determine the number of; count)

Both Sixteenth Amendments side by side

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes Derived from whatever source.

Please compare this ethical 16 word version of what they're Lawfully claiming with the 30 word version in print. What does the wordy version give Congress that this ethically written version does not? Nothing! This concise ethical wording gives the IRS all of the same exact power it actually has now but now, we understand what that really is.

Remember, the Sixteenth Amendment and the FRS came together

This is a whole other article for next time but I leave you with the knowledge most of you already have that the Sixteenth Amendment of 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave us the privately owned Federal Reserve System which is just as privately owned as Federal Express is.

They named it to sound like it is part of America, but it is instead the Privately Owned true Domestic Enemy of American citizens using the Non-Codified Title 26 IRS as its personal collection agency employing this deceptive strategy to primarily hold down inflation on their out of control printing of their Federal Reserve Notes. Think about it. Since they can print all they want AND they do, why take 30% of our labor as well? They could just print more right? Well, if they printed a trillion dollars for example and didn't take 300 billion FRNs back from us, the inflation rate would become astronomically higher than it is now.

You Must Pay the IRS

Make sure you realize from this article that ALL income that is Derived from a Source, any Source as demanded by the Sixteenth Amendment does have a Tax Liability attached to it. I am not an attorney or accountant but I do write for the International Sovereign Services Blog as a former US Marine who swore to defend this country against ALL Enemies both foreign and Domestic. The Marine Corps would never had included we defend against Domestic enemies if they didn't realize there were ones. I invoke my First Amendment Right to Assemble here and speak with you.

Lots of Questions

Sure, this new understanding leaves you with a number of questions I'm sure. They'll be addressed in my next article but for now, you need to decide if you'll ignore this new found knowledge just because they "need" you to pay your "Fair Share" against everything the Sixteenth Amendment really says...

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