What Is Patriot Asset Protection?

What is Patriot Asset Protection?

What does Patriot have to do with affordable asset protection and what would make it so affordable? We're living in a different world today because the old days of forming Corporations which are Federally Chartered demanding expensive CPAs to crawl all over your books 4 times per year to report every single facet of your business to carve off the government's share to send to them are coming to a close.

Everywhere you look today you see less and less INCs and more and more LLCs, and the best of them are anonymous LLCs sometimes referred to as invisible LLCs. The two most commonly known are the New Mexico (invisible) LLC and the Oklahoma Anonymous LLC.

Why the huge difference between Federal INCs and State Chartered LLCs?

In 1909, the Federal Government offered businessmen protection from losses over and above their investment with an INC charter. The cost of this charter would be a percentage of their Income Defined then as the remains of deducting all expenses from all Revenue. This indelible definition of Income in the Corporate Tax Act of 1909 is why there is no definition for Income anywhere in today's 9,500 page IRS Code Book. There isn't because there could not possibly be anyway that definition would apply to you as a person.

Four years later, the Sixteenth Amendment of 1913 which is the sole IRS authority only allows Congress to tax Incomes Derived from a Source. Is your paycheck Income Derived from a Source? There is a whole Blog devoted to just this at International Sovereign Services.info linked below.

How is an LLC an Affordable Asset Protection?

Our hats are off to the Legislators of New Mexico and Oklahoma who recognize that if our Fourth and Fifth Amendments mean anything, there needs to be Business Entities to support them. No state chartered LLC has IRS reporting requirements but New Mexico and Oklahoma go that extra step to protect ownership from their records as well. Our promoted Oklahoma LLC records only the name and address of the business LLC and its Manager(s.) The Manager(s) have full authority and may or may not be an owner. What Happens in your LLC Stays in your LLC...

Is Asset Protection through anonymous LLCs legal?

Our Fourth Amendment also known as the None of your business Amendment says yes:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized

Our Fifth Amendment also known as the I'm Not talking Amendment says yes:
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

Asset Protection isn't legal advice

I am not an attorney nor CPA but I am like you, a Founding Child of our Founding Fathers and the First Amendment allows me to assemble here to talk to you about our Rights in our Bill of Rights.

Asset Protection based upon Oklahoma LLC Anonymity

The Oklahoma LLC provides its Certificate of Limited Liability and its Articles of Organization which are the documents to open a small business account in the bank of your choice. The Articles of Organization list the Manager(s.) It is typically better to list at least two managers. In this way you can apply for an EIN number as a multi-member LLC eliminating any possible confusion of an alter ego. The second Manager need not be on any of the Banking Accounts and can resign at any time using Minutes forever veiled and locked away in company records. Not even the State of Oklahoma requires an update of any change in management.

The Martha Stewart Asset Protection

Really? Because there isn't one! Remember, this innocent of any crime Motherly type was arrested, tried and imprisoned for just talking with the government. Did she forget her Fifth Amendment Right or just never learned it? My point here is that yes, the Oklahoma LLC is an entity of Privacy just like our Founding Fathers wanted for us but it will all mean nothing if you then start thinking you must answer questions from some government agent should this unlikely event ever occur. The Oklahoma LLC works best if at the same time you make application you repeat 100 times or more "I am not Martha Stewart and refuse to answer any questions." Loose Lips Sink Ships was the most famous WWll slogan.

There are few Good Asset Protection Strategies

Tax Evasion is a crime, Tax Avoidance is not. Strategies that avoid Taxes are your responsibility because you and your family rely upon you to know this. Yes, LLCs like any business can have reportable Sixteenth Amendment Derived-Income, but like any business can also generate millions in Revenue with nothing left after expenses; no Derived-Income.

LLCs who pay their Managers Income obviously not Derived from a Source is still a legitimate deductible expense that could eliminate any LLC profit. Paying the LLC Manager(s) sufficient Non Derived-Income to Avoid LLC profit is your decision and your choice. All of that money floating in and out of the LLC bank account you manage is not proof of LLC profit nor is it probable cause to demand your accounting. There is not even a need for expensive CPAs or outside accountants because today there are many good spreadsheet programs that you can use in-house with lock-tight encrypted security.

You can also later on add Off-shore Anonymous Entity umbrella strategies like Panamanian Foundations, Nevis LLCs and Hong Kong Corporations especially if you desire to trade out some of your US Federal Reserve Notes for other types of assets or global currencies you believe to be in less danger of hyper Inflation.

Click here to find your affordable Oklahoma LLC from http://www.anonymousposition.com.

Richard Brown a former US Marine keeping his life-long 1960 OATH to protect America from ALL enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC. He is a Super Researcher in entity Asset Protection, the Constitution with its Bill of Rights, our Founding Fathers and their History of Intent as it pertains to us all today as we, their Founding Children's Children. Richard has earned Expert Author Status from Ezine Magazine submitting articles from his Health Blog as well as many articles from his http://www.internationalsovereignservices.info/ Blog concentrated on the Sixteenth Amendment as well as the other two favorites, the Fourth & Fifth...

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