The Dirty Secrets About Debt Consolidation

The idea of consolidating your credit card debts to pay them off once and for all is great if it works. The reality is that it rarely seems to work and can cost you more money than merely making higher payments than the minimum payments on your existing credit card debts. The question is how does debt consolidation work as an alternative to filing bankruptcy and getting rid of debts? When filing for bankruptcy everything is by Court order and it is black and white. Bankruptcy is either right for you based upon your income, expenses or assets or it is not. Debt consolidation is quite gray. The industry is unfortunately not heavily regulated. Before signing an agreement with a debt consolidation company ask them when will you be completely debt free? Also ask them to put in writing that if you have any debts on the date they provide you that they, the debt consolidation company, agrees to pay off your debts. The following discusses how you can help eliminate debts without the help of a debt consolidation company and what services a typical debt consolidation company provides.

1. You Can Consolidate and Negotiate Away Your Debts Yourself

Why do you need to pay a company to negotiate lower interest rates or negotiate a settlement of your debts? Do these companies have some secret that allows them to obtain a better deal for you than you can obtain yourself? The answer is no, they do not. The typical company will tell you that they can take over the payment of your debts and negotiate with your credit card companies and lenders to obtain lower interest rates and reduce the amount of debt you owe. You can do this yourself. Just take a few minutes and call your credit card company and let them know you are having trouble making the payments. You will be surprised at the results you can achieve by being persistent. There are also not-for-profit organizations that you can seek help from for free. You do not have to pay a company to reduce your debt.

2. Pay Off Your Credit Cards With Smaller Balances First

The easiest way to pay off your credit cards is to get rid of the smaller balances first and then apply the money you were be paying to the smaller balance credit cards to the larger balance credit cards. You will then hopefully be making significantly higher payments than the minimum payment on the larger balance credit cards. This is not easy to do and takes a lot of discipline. This approach is also assuming you have a steady income, which unfortunately is not the reality for many given our economy. If you can stay disciplined, over time you will reduce your debt and eventually pay off your credit card debts without a debt consolidation company or having to file for bankruptcy protection.

3. Save Up Some Money and Settle Your Debts With Lump Sum Payments

Another approach is to save up a few thousand dollars and offer your credit card company a lump sum payment to settle the debt for less than what you owe. This approach is again assuming you are able to save a few thousand dollars, which is not easy to do for many. Many credit card companies will accept one-time lump sum payments for far less than what you owe them. This is one way a debt consolidation company will assist you too, for a fee of course. The debt consolidation company will request monthly payments from you until they have a lump sum to pay your credit card company and settle the debt. Again, you can do this yourself.

4. What Does a Typical Debt Consolidation Company Actually Do For You Then

The answer is they make money at your expense and usually do not obtain the debt relief you originally thought you were going to get. You may get some peace of mind for a little while, but ultimately if you did not have the money to make your credit card payments debt consolidation will not work. The company will show you how much money you will save over a few years by allowing them to pay your bills for you with lower interest rates. These figures do not usually exist in reality. These are marketing gimmicks that show results that debt consolidation companies never achieve. They will charge a fee, sometimes a flat monthly fee or a percentage of the monthly payment they request you pay to them. The problem is not all of your credit card companies will do business with these companies, so you will have four of your credit cards being paid by a debt consolidation company and then you will continue to pay your other debts. Time and time again we have clients that get sued by one or more of their credit card companies even though they are using a debt consolidation company. It is usually the credit card company that will not participate in the debt consolidation company plan. Once a lawsuit is filed, there is nothing a debt consolidation company can do for you and this is when most people seek the counsel of a bankruptcy attorney to finally obtain debt relief by Court order. New laws have been passed to limit the business practices of debt consolidation companies. The reality is that these companies are marketing machines. It sounds great, but debt consolidations does not seem to work.

West Coast Bankruptcy Attorneys is a bay area and California consumer bankruptcy firm filing Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 for individuals in need. Visit West Coast Bankruptcy Attorneys online to find an San Mateo Bankruptcy Attorney or a San Jose Bankruptcy Lawyer committed to providing the best experience for a reasonable fee.

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