eTycoon Guide to Being Financially Free in a Few Short Years

ByJoshua Trumson

In his give-away: Free Man's Manifesto Ryan Moran challenges the concept of being free and defines it as the ultimate reward. He points out that even financial freedom is not about how much money is in your bank account. It simply means, he says, to be free from a boss, the government, poverty, and other unnecessary responsibilities. This way you are able to lead the life you want in the way that you always wanted, live where you want to live etc.

He claims that this is actually more attainable than most people think, although it definitely is harder though, because you have to take matters into your own hands and take on the responsibility of your freedom. He posses a challenging question: What if you didn't have to conform to society's standards and instead live life on your own term?

That question really stroke a chord when I contemplated it myself. And then thought a little more after being reminded of the Story of the Yale Graduating Class of 1953. The story basically tells about how the students were surveyed to see how many of them had clear goals that they had written down about their future. Only 3% of the class had such goals. Twenty years later, a follow-up study revealed that those 3% individuals had out-earned the other 97% combined. So the lesson is to know what you want, and you have a higher chance of actually getting it. It's a very simple concept but we generally don't do it.

So step one is to define what your goals are clearly. The hard step is the next. Step Two is being upfront about what you will be giving up in order to get the things you want. For instance if you want total freedom you may have to give up your possessions. If you own several cars, you have to sell those that are not essential. Ryan Moran talks about how he gave up the idea of owning a home altogether! People would think he was crazy.

Instead, he set himself up to rent a nice place and rent out the extra rooms. By doing things like this you may not need to be tied down to your current job if you hate it. But you definitely would need to make some sacrifices. Here's another good one: Giving up one hour of sleep your first year to start a profitable income stream is worth it if you're trading it for an 8 hour job.

He reminds us that you don't need a million dollars to quit your job, just a cash flow of about 3K or so per month depending on what works for you. It's a pretty good idea to just write down and clarify how much money you would need to per month to cover your essential expenses and allow you to afford the free lifestyle you want.

Well you should have plenty of ideas bouncing in your head right now, so this is a good spot to finish this article.

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