Passive Income Ideas: Think Your Way to the Bank

ByAmy Mia

How many days do you get to work and wish you could just sit at your desk, do nothing and still get paid? Have you been trying to find a way to bring in money on your own? The idea of getting paid and not having to dedicate 40 hours a week to someone else's cause, should be motivating enough to have you looking for passive income ideas!

Passive income is money that comes in on a continuous basis, after you put in a little bit of work to get the ball rolling. Rather than getting paid for the amount of time you put into whatever you're your venue is, you create a way to put something together one time and it will continue to bring money in. The goal behind this particular type of income is to do as much work as you are willing to do. And collect on it for a long period of time.

Network Marketing
One of the most popular and maybe the oldest of all of the passive income ideas would have to be network marketing. This is a business that is structured in tiers. You become a distributor or affiliate of a parent company that sells goods or services. The most common of these companies usually sell cosmetic, consumables or nutritional goods. As you sell your inventory, you recruit people to build a team. You then collect commissions from your team members' sales, as well as your own. This particular idea works best when you have a decent sized team.

Links and Banners on Blogs
If you are internet savvy and have a blog page, you can use your blog page to create passive income. This is another way that can bring in a decent amount of money on a monthly basis. You can charge a small fee to companies and people who wish to advertise on your blog page by posting links and banners that will drive traffic to their page. Online advertising is how companies reach the masses. They have to advertise. If you have the space, why not use it to help them and yourself at the same time.

Vending Machines
A surefire way to create passive income is investing in vending machines. You have to admit that every time you see one, you wonder how much money the owner is collecting every time they refill. And every time one steals your money, you wish it was you! Vending machines are a great way to earn income that will be continuous. Your only concern will be securing contracts with locations and keeping the machines full.

Membership Sites
Having expertise of some sort can be parlayed into passive income as well. You can set up a membership site, which charges a monthly fee for access. As long as you can keep a stream of traffic coming to your site, you will have money coming in every month. This is mostly ideal for people who have degrees in one area or another and can offer services that are worth paying for.

Earning money in any way other than a 9-5 doesn't have to be complicated. There is no reason to take on a second job and do more of what you do on the first one. Getting paid based on your time has proven to be a drag and not very beneficial. Most people are usually too tired to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

With the amount of passive income ideas to consider, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to find a way to bring in as much money as you want. No, you won't get rich in the beginning. Yet, if you use your time wisely, you can make a decent amount of money. With the right endeavors... you can turn that horrible based on time pay into decent pay in no time.

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