Time Leverage - The Secret of Passive Income

ByAmy Mia

There isn't anyone out there that wouldn't want to bring in a passive income. Passive income is basically earning money with minimal or no effort required. This is referred to as "time leverage" and time leverage is the secret of passive income.

The idea of earning a living through a passive income is that you put work in at the beginning and continue earning off it for a long time after. The revenue isn't proportional to the hours you put in. The beauty of this is that you will be able to free yourself of the hard labor whilst bringing in an enviable amount of cash. You may have to work at the beginning or perhaps raise some capital towards the project. Here are some ways you can make money from a passive income.

Network Marketing

An example of how to use time leverage is through network marketing. A business owner can leverage their time by using a team of people do all the work for him. Either these people are based onsite or work remotely. This team of people then sells the owners products or services, and they receive a percentage of the profit.

This method allows you to bring in an income even when you aren't actually doing any work. Before you can realize the potential that time leverage can bring, you will have to put some hard work finding a team that is big enough and able to operate with a certain degree of autonomy.

Informational Products

Informational products have a massive online market on a huge scale. By creating "how to" manuals or instructional guides you will be able to sell them online for an indefinite amount of time. This is a real way of tapping into time leverage, the secret of passive income. One informational product will not produce a huge income immediately, so producing numerous ones is the best way to go. If you don't feel creatively minded, consider outsourcing the work. Remember to make your informational products timeless to earn the most amount of money, for instance "how to use iPhone 3 apps" will quickly go out of date.


Once you have decided on the method you will use to build a passive income then you will have to find away to advertise these services. Many people spend most of their time trying to sell their products and gain new clients, however this takes up so much time. Posting links on the Internet is making great use of time leverage. By advertising on the Internet you will be able to impact millions of people for very little effort.

The majority of people spend the best part of their life working, day in, day out. This is why time leverage is the secret of passive income. You will have all the time in the world to enjoy your life while still earning a good living. You have the ability to start building a fortune right now from your own home or business! Put in the hours once, and get paid for it again and again!

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Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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