What If Everyone Was Born Rich?

BySteve P Ryan

Growing up, I always dreamed of being rich and living in a big house. Don't most kids?

Every weekend I would read through the Real Estate section of the newspaper. You know the section that shows all of the nice houses for sale? I would highlight the ones I wanted to live in and show them to my mom. It never worked out.

The reality is, I grew up in 1 bedroom apartment, and my bedroom was the living room couch. We did live in a nice neighborhood, but we were by no means rich. I would say we were barely making it as middle class. My parents divorced when I was very young so my mom was forced to raise me alone.

It's not "cool" when your mom drops you off for school in an old rusty Subaru hatchback. It was pretty embarrassing. Also, when you live in a 1 bedroom apartment not many kids want to come over to your house. It definitely wasn't the "hangout". I actually found myself spending a lot of time alone on my computer.

Wouldn't it be easier if everyone was just born rich?

No, it would actually suck!

Wall St. - 1987, "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good."

Money and fame are the absolute best motivators.

Motivation drives people to create, innovate, and build businesses. Think about where healthcare, education, or the internet would be without motivated people looking to succeed and build wealth? Now, don't get me wrong, the motivation for money can also drive people to do destructive things, and even cripple the economy. Our latest recession is proof of that.

Oprah Winfery (read her story here ) is one of the best rags to riches stories I've ever read. She grew up, basically with nothing, and is now one of the most successful businesswomen in the world. It is estimated that she makes $500,000 per day (not sure about this number since her show ended). I think a lot of people can relate to the struggle she went through, and this probably helped build her audience.

Now, let's think if Oprah was born rich. Do you think she would have achieved the same level of success? I don't.

There comes a point, or an event, in a person's life where they become frustrated with being poor. This frustration can lead to success. Maybe that's what happened in Oprah's case?

A lot of people say, "even if I was rich I will make my kids work for everything." But would you really? If your kid was struggling to pay for college you would probably break down and help them out. Who do you think is going to get more out of college? Someone who has their college paid for or someone who is paying for it themselves? I'm a huge advocate of college, and I believe you should help your kids pay it if you can, I'm just merely trying to make a point.

What are some advantages of being poor?

That's right, being poor has some advantages.
You've got nothing to lose, the only place to go is up.You become better at budgeting. When you've got nothing you learn how to save money and spend wisely.You learn the importance of family. Through all of the struggles your family may be brought closer together.

Most of us feel like we are poor sometimes. But to put things in perspective, you probably aren't poor if you're reading this article. There are many horrible and tragic things that result from poverty. I'm not trying to make light of that, this is just simply an article.

Steve Ryan has been in Real Estate and mortgage lending for the past 13 years. In that time he has helped thousands of people realize their dreams of home ownership. He currently runs his own blog Smart Wealth, where he discusses Real Estate, personal finance, debt management, and building wealth.

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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