Become Wealthy: 3 Secrets You Must Know to Become a Billionaire

Do you want an extraordinary, wealthy lifestyle?

Creating wealth requires you to learn a set of skills, and to think a certain way.

Only 1-3% of people actually become wealthy because they take the time to learn the skills and strategies to create wealth, and they are willing to do what it takes to succeed.

Secret 1:

You need to truly value wealth to get it! Everyone has the ability to become a billionaire in direct proportion to their value system. This simply means that we are inspired to do things that are high on our list of values, but we delay and procrastinate when it comes to the things that are low on our list of values, because they are not a big priority in our lives or we are uncomfortable with them

Donald Trump had read every book on property and wealth he could get his hands on by the time he was 11 years old. He was determined to learn the skills and create wealth in his life.

If you are truly committed to wealth building you need to start on the journey now. At the very least you need to be saving more than spending and investing to increase your assets.

It is not how much money you make but how you manage what you make that creates wealth.

Secret 2:

Whoever has the most certainty creates the most wealth. You need to start from a measurable grounded position. Most people live in a fantasy world when it comes to creating wealth, the facts are all very nebulous. They don't know where their starting point is in real figures, and they don't know where they are going in real figures. They have a 'story' in their mind that they will be wealthy one day but have no plan or strategy to get there (wherever 'there' is!).

If you say you want a lifestyle of financial independence, what does that mean to you? What does it look like? How much do you need in real figures? Have you factored in inflation? What is your strategy for getting there? How much do you have to save every month? Is it doable? You need to start from a doable position and then accelerate it as your wealth builds?


Wealthy people keep detailed information of every asset they have - value, insurance, history - and continually update it. They know exactly where they are!

Wealth building is a measurable, ongoing journey of learning. It has a known starting point, a methodical plan or map, and a specific destination.

As you start on the journey, as you learn the skills and become a master through doing it day after day, your goals will get bigger and bigger. You will find it easy to amass more and more wealth.

First take the time to put everything down on paper in detail:

- The value of each of your current assets if you were to sell them

- Your lifestyle goals and how long will it take you to get there?

- The strategies you will use to get there.

- What income per year will you need?

- How can you increase savings? How can you increase income?

- What passive streams of income will you implement?

Secret 3:

Your wealth building needs to have a BIG WHY! Linking your pursuit of wealth to a cause that will transform the world in some way will empower you and keep the dream alive. You can't get beyond your fears if you don't have a big enough reason.

The greater your cause, the greater your wealth potential.

Everybody wants to do something amazing with their lives, something that inspires them. They don't have to motivate themselves to do it because it is a passion. It is something that brings tears to their eyes.

Richard Branson invited some of the wealthiest business men on the planet to his island to brainstorm ideas for businesses that could be set up to solve some of the world's greatest problems. They each paid him $100, 000 for the privilege of being there, for being part of a meaningful cause.

If you live to your higher values you will do greater things in life than you normally would. There is nothing more inspiring than seeing someone discover what their values are and using them to serve others.

Most of us live our lives with paradigms that are not even ours, and that are even incongruent with our value system. We subordinate our true selves. Find your own uniqueness, your values and needs and honour yourself. Manifestation comes from 'knowing thy self'.

You want to be able to go to bed at night saying with tears in your eyes, "thank you for who I am and what I can do to serve others."

Build wealth from integrated well-being!

My name is June Price and I live in beautiful Brisbane, Australia with my awesome partner. I have degrees in Arts (social sciences) and education (primary teaching) and love writing!

If you would like me to write some articles for you on creating your own destiny or living an abundant life, it would be my pleasure.

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