How to Start Your Journey to Financial Freedom

So you want to become very rich and rub shoulders with the likes of Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, and also retire with billions of dollars to your name like the queen of talk shows, Oprah Winfrey?

Well, that's great news!

But before you start taking your dream of becoming the richest man or woman that ever lived, like the legendary King Solomon, have you taken steps to discover what it takes to become as great as these rich and famous personalities?

Did I hear you say "Hard work?" Well, if that's what I heard you say, then you're correct! But hard work is not the only ingredient required for elevating you to the top of the golden pyramid. There are other paths that must be taken before you reach the road to financial freedom.

Yes, you got that right the first time. In any case, let me repeat that one more time:

It takes more than hard work for any one person to become, as they say, 'stinking rich' like the Bill Gates and Oprah Winfreys of this world.

OK let me rephrase that line one more time. It takes more than blood, sweat and tears to strike it rich in this cutthroat world of financial fitness and survival, as I will explain in a moment.

But Andrew, if blood, sweat and tears are not sufficient to enable anybody to become as rich as the legendary King Solomon, what is this other missing ingredient that is needed to enable you to laugh all the way to the bank?

Well, it's a simple thing really, as all you will ever need to safely take the first step on the elusive road to financial freedom is: guts!

Yes, you need guts and the wisdom to realize that you can never attain absolute financial freedom until you are free from the bondage which holds back most men and women in the modern world from starting their own journey to financial freedom.

And if you're asking what are the chains of bondage that hold you back, then here's the plain truth to that question...

Simply put, the following example puts everything in plain sight:

No man or woman who aspires to create wealth for themselves and the next generation can honestly succeed in their quest for financial freedom unless they are absolutely free from the chains of bondage they allowed others to put around them. Likewise, no man or woman can ever declare that he or she is walking on the road to financial freedom when he or she is still working to make others to become rich first before planning to undertake his or her own journey to financial freedom.

In plain English this means: How will you become 'stinking rich' if you still owe others the millions that you want for yourself?

So it stands to reason that unless you make real strides right now to start making yourself financially fit, that is by freeing yourself first from the debt trap that's holding you back from joining like-minded people on their journey to financial freedom, your dream of becoming the next Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey will remain just that - a dream.

So there you have it. It's all about doing first things first (that's preparations to you!) before you can start on your own quest for financial freedom and independence.

Andrew Molobetsi, is a financial adviser and licensed tax practitioner based in South Africa. For more information and to sign up for the Smart Money Tips Newsletter, Visit Andrew Molobetsi's Website and Blog

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